
数以百计的学生, faculty and staff assembled at 浩博体育app to view the long-awaited solar eclipse.

詹妮弗•卡特, assistant professor of physics at Susquehanna, positioned several specialty telescopes throughout the lawn for viewing of the celestial show, 也是一个太阳观测者, which uses a lens and mirrors to project an image of the sun onto paper. 学生s also set up other eclipse viewing methods, including a colander as a pinhole projector and a disco ball for its reflective properties.

According to NASA, the upcoming total solar eclipse will be visible in the U.S. along a 100-plus-mile track stretching from Texas to Maine. This is known as the path of totality.

In Selinsgrove, about 94% of the sun’s surface was hidden by the moon. 日食期间, viewers on campus were properly protected in Susquehanna-branded eclipse glasses created by Carter. WQSU joined the festivities with an eclipse-themed playlist.