December 17, 2023

By Haley Dittbrenner ’25

While living and working abroad, Eric Stein ’69 认识到全球商业能力和文化经验的重要性. Prior to his death in 2006, 他创立了埃里克·斯坦国际经验基金, which allows students in the Sigmund Weis School of Business to intern with companies around the globe. This past year, 12 students were named Stein Fellows and spent their summers working abroad.

Tatiana Perez ’25, 里奇菲尔德大学的管理和通讯双学位, New Jersey, has always been drawn to the allure of travel. 对她来说,旅行意味着实现她父母可能没有的机会.

“Growing up, my parents, who originated from rural Spain, 他们在快30岁的时候带着有限的收入勇敢地搬到了纽约,” Perez said. “踏上这样的澳大利亚之旅对我的父母来说是不可想象的. 登机让我实现了自己未实现的梦想.”

Perez interned with ARIA Research, a Sydney, Australia-based startup company that provides sound-focused assistive technology for blind individuals. She took on a variety of assignments, including data organization and distribution, and conducted field research.

“My internship experience has taught me the valuable lesson that ‘what you put into something is what you get out of it.’ I have witnessed the direct relationship between my personal effort and the quality of my outcomes,” Perez said.

After graduation, 佩雷斯希望从事研究和产品开发工作, 尤其是在时尚和化妆品领域.

International business major Eli Markle ’25, of Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, interned in Spain with Sponsify, 一个专门连接广告商和客户的网络. As a communications and business advocate, 马克尔表示,他的主要职责是收集潜在客户的信息.

其他任务包括创建客户档案, 准备演示文稿,并与他的团队合作,为客户创建材料.

马克尔说,从高中开始,他就对西班牙及其文化着迷. “在了解西班牙文化时,我一直很感兴趣. With such a rich history and a vibrant culture, Barcelona has been an amazing place to live.”

He credits his Global Opportunities and international business courses he’s taken at Susquehanna for building his confidence and preparing him to work abroad. 毕业后,马克尔希望攻读工商管理研究生课程.

“我最感激的是对专业领域的宝贵见解,” Markle said of his internship. “Being able to get an up-close look at how people communicate and articulate ideas is an exposure I am thankful for. I want to thank the Stein family for their incredible generosity and support that gives me and other students opportunities to learn these valuable lessons.”

Lauren Imhoof ’24, Selinsgrove国际商务专业的学生, Pennsylvania, spent her summer in Berlin, Germany, as the first intern at Rua Madeira, a sustainable furniture company. 她与业主密切合作,承担了许多任务, including editing, business development, sales, marketing and client outreach.

Rua Maderia是一家跨国公司,业务遍及欧洲和巴西. “我没有意识到柏林是如此国际化和国际化,”伊姆霍夫说. “我很感激这家公司的成功离不开多种文化. 这是一次真正的国际实习经历.”

伊姆霍夫渴望在一家国际公司担任领导, noting that her experience in Berlin has prepared her for success in a global business market.

Marketing major Mirra Neilson ’25, of Wyalusing, Pennsylvania, promised herself as a child that she would travel in Australia by the time she reached her 20s. The Stein Fellowship made her dream a reality by giving her the opportunity to intern in Sydney, Australia, with Decarbify, 一家帮助组织管理碳排放的公司. For Decarbify, 尼尔森为这家初创公司制定了主要的营销策略, 这个项目需要她确定公司的主要目标市场, formulate effective pricing strategies, 建立市场牵引力,增强Decarbify的社交媒体.

“This internship has taught me the importance of self-reflection and self-improvement,” Neilson said. “By continually receiving feedback from my supervisors and evaluating my own personal performance, 我对自己的优势和成长空间有了更好的认识, creating room for further development.”

After graduation, Neilson hopes to work as a marketing professional in the field of sustainability.

Marketing major Nicole Spangler ’24他曾在爱尔兰都柏林的皮尔斯莱昂斯酿酒厂实习. In her role as a business development intern, 斯潘格勒每天都在分析社交媒体账户上的数据, preparing promotional materials, 更新数据库,协助酒厂活动.

斯潘格勒描述了酿酒厂非常热情的工作环境. “每个人都愿意花时间教我他们知道的东西, and they love what they do,” she said.

Spangler’s studies in marketing at Susquehanna equipped her with the skills that proved helpful in her internship; she came into her position already knowing how to create a marketing plan for a company with no preexisting promotional foundation. After graduating from Susquehanna, Spangler hopes to work in marketing, ideally for a professional basketball team.

Olivia Agnoni ’23, of Muncy, Pennsylvania, an inter-national business major, 在环球童军的人力资源部实习, an international recruitment firm in Seoul, South Korea.

“Interning for a firm with global branches gave me an opportunity to work in the setting my international business degree is preparing me for,” Agnoni said. Her internship in human resources kept her workdays full; daily tasks included entering and organizing client résumés, 采访高管,设计网页和其他在线材料. Outside of the workplace, Agnoni spent her evenings exploring Korean culture to the fullest.


“因为我们必须完成关于实习国家的研究, 我能够从一个局外人的角度来了解韩国文化,” Agnoni said. “来到这座城市的头几天,我仍然感到不舒服, 但当我继续回顾我完成的关于这个国家的研究时, 我发现更容易消化文化冲击.”

毕业后,Agnoni希望回到东南亚继续在那里工作. “Korea is one of my top goal destinations where I would like to settle down and work one day, so a two-month internship program based in Seoul felt like it was perfect for me to prepare myself for my potential future here.”

Emma Horton ’24, Cameron Mills国际商务专业的学生, New York, 在越南的SSVN生存技能社会企业实习. SSVN是一家致力于传播急救知识和培训的创业组织. During her internship, Horton connected with partners and sponsors, 组织展览和推销健康课程.

霍顿面临的一个挑战是语言障碍. “每个人都很有耐心,愿意帮助我学习,”霍顿说. “Everyone is so welcoming; the people I have met in Vietnam have made this such an unbelievable experience.”


Marketing major Madison Longenhagen ’24, of Catawissa, Pennsylvania, spent her summer as an intern with CeADAR, a data analytics company in Ireland. She was assigned two main projects — designing an optimized hiring process for CeADAR’s summer interns and creating “personas” that would accurately capture audience needs, behaviors and preferences.

“This experience has helped me prepare for my career goals in several ways,” Longenhagen said. “Studying abroad has enhanced my adaptability skills as I navigated a completely new environment both personally and professionally. 我的实习为我提供了实际的工作经验, allowing me to tackle real-world projects that have improved my critical-thinking and problem-solving skills.”

After graduating, Longenhagen hopes to work in the field of social media and digital marketing.

Finance major Connor McCormick ’25 在澳大利亚的CountPlus会计和咨询公司实习. He worked closely with the finance team updating company reports and writing data formulas.

“The greatest lesson I learned throughout my internship experience is how people in positions of leadership want to help you succeed and help you accomplish your goals,” McCormick said. “During my internship, 我和首席财务官就如何实现我的目标进行了多次对话. My boss and other members of the team pitched in and were always willing to help me solve an issue and answer any question I threw at them.”

McCormick, of Center Valley, Pennsylvania, 他认为西格蒙德·韦斯商学院(Sigmund Weis School of Business)为他在悉尼的实习做好了准备. 他开始实习时对材料很熟悉,并能很快适应. McCormick plans to pursue a career in investment banking before transitioning into private equity or the hedge fund sector.

“我知道这需要疯狂的职业道德和大量的承诺, but I am excited to see what the future holds,” he said.

Other Stein Fellows were Hannah Getz ’24, an international business major from Pittston, Pennsylvania, who interned in South Korea; Julius Glover ’25, a luxury brand marketing & management major from Philadelphia, who interned in Singapore; and Erin Rowe ’24她来自俄亥俄州普罗克托维尔,主修管理学,曾在新西兰实习.